Taking BERT into the 3rd dimension
We wanted to take the wild, unprecedented success of BERT's Adventure for the NES and update it for the modern gamer.
- Kept the basic form of a maze game but less focused on speed.
- Used a 3D game engine and 3D graphics software to make new levels with more freedom of movement.
- Runs on modern OSs to allow for improved graphics, sound, and more versatile controls.
Our game uses Unreal Engine 4.19.1 for level creation and gameplay. Character and cutscene designs were done using Maya.
You use a mouse and keyboard to navigate the levels of the 3D levels, so you can move freely and look around in any direction.
BERT 3D harnesses the memory and speed offered by modern PCs running either Mac OS X or Windows 10 as a significant upgrade from BERT 2D running on NES.
Our code and documentation is hosted on GitHub, allowing anyone to download the source, build, and deploy BERT's 3D Adventure.
Check Out the Source
If you want to read, download, and run BERT's 3D Adventure on your own computer, check out our repo on GitHub, complete with documentation and instructions on how to build the game.